
Virtual Machine Scan Results Marked Incorrectly During Sandbox Operations

Issue Description

When attempting to sandbox virtual machines while a scan is in progress from the same datastore, SnapMap incorrectly marks the scan results as bad for the recovered virtual machine.

Once the virtual machine is reverted from the sandbox, the scan results for the reverted virtual machine are marked as good.

  • SnapMap marks scan results as bad for a recovered virtual machine.
  • Upon reverting the virtual machine from the sandbox, scan results are marked as good.
  • Job log displays the following error message:

  • VMWare vSphere ESXi 6.x or lower

The virtual machine cannot be powered on during sandbox operations when using the specified environment.

To resolve this issue:

  • Upgrade your VMware environment to ESXi 7.0 or later.

  • Ensure compatibility of your infrastructure with ESXi 7.0 before upgrading.
  • Consult VMware documentation for upgrade procedures and best practices.

Virtual Machine Scan Results Marked Incorrectly During Sandbox Operations